Mobius' News

December 15, 2021
I released a new game.  The Ancient Egyptian game of Senet.  I have a YouTube video of it.  Link
The game can be downloaded from a link in the description there or from here. link

March 19, 2021
Small update to French tank R35 and H35 armor.

March 8, 2021
Small update to Crazy 8 Extreme card game.

Oct 31, 2020
There is a computer game with the same name as my wargame rules,  Panzer War.  I was told the name was German centric when I first chose it in 1976.  But there were board games like Panzer Blitz on the market so it was in good company.  It also had to compete with other miniature game rules on the hobby shop rack.  Using colors of black and red for eye contact. 

Sept 7, 2020
It is not possible to add new content to an existing YouTube video so I had to make a completely new one with the new content.  The old one is not deleted but is made private to my channel.  So I still have the comments.

August 21, 2020
I made another video on the Moses subject.  This is the journey from Sinai to Jericho.  I have some snippets of movies of ancient battles and a favorite line from Kelly's Heroes.  Hopefully not enough to get a copyright strike. 
Exodus Conquest link

August 5, 2020
A survey of hits through search engines I've noticed that there is about a 4 to 1 Google links to this site compared to Edge.  Does Apple have a search engine?

July 24, 2020
PW Rules - Small expansion to the multiple hit table on page 3 of Tables.   This hadn't been updated since the minimum to-hit number was changed from 2 down to 1 in a number of gun tables.  Since the minimum number is now 1 and the max is 15 another column has been added in several ROF factors.

July 14, 2020
Updated the mini program Indirect Strike.  It wasn't showing an error for factors out of range.   Strike angle now is 15 - 65 degrees.
July 1, 2020
I made a small update to the Panzer War rules.  I added rain, fog and haze sighting rules.  I guess I forgot to add them from 1981 booklet.

June 29, 2020
And now my Exodus maps have all fallen off Bing search.  Strange hokey-pokey with that.  I wonder what the algorithm is.  But, then they are back.   OK

June 28, 2020
Interesting thing is that links to my Exodus maps have finally shown up in the Bing search engine.  It has taken over 3 months for this to happen.  The link to my Exodus webpage section took about 2 months.  That is quite slow since I see the Bingbot reading pages of the site every day.  Google bot doesn't read as often and no link to the webpage or the maps is on Google.  What is odd is that my Exodus Route Youtube video has a link to the maps and the site and YouTube is part of Google. 

June 27, 2020
I added some cavalry experiences from WWI British ANZAC in Sinai of 1916.  Link   About the difficulties that might face Pharaoh if he were to cross the desert in horse drawn chariots without adequate water supplies.

June 12, 2020
I'm almost finished the Exodus project.  I haven't got any feedback on my theories on the subject.  Sort of peer review.    But, nothing.   
Now I might start to look into some ways to improve NaaB.

June 5, 2020
I'm monitoring the search engines reporting on the Exodus pages.  My short video is often at the first spot of a search list.  However, these engines don't list the text pages except with the exact name.  They don't list the map images at all.  Which seems a little odd as the search engines will list images of  my Tigers at Fontenay and Rauray and other tank or ballistic table images.  Maybe they only use images that go along with a tank or cannon stereotype.   Most Exodus theme pages and maps are on Bible or archaeological sites which this isn't. 

One thing I'm happy about is often in searches my actual gun penetration tables are listed ahead of Wikipedia's calculated penetration tables.  I just checked and Wikipedia has changed some of their pages to now use real historic penetration numbers.  So that is a welcome change and is what I hoped would happen. 

May 14, 2020
There seems to be a problem running my windows program on Windows 10 systems.  The safe mode has to be turned off.   This isn't the easiest operation.  MS wants your email address to send that software to you.
But to allow these to run select on the file and go to Properties.  Select Security and with each user of the programs click to allow a check in each box that you can. 

April 16, 2020
These maps are mostly finished.  Exodus Route   Exodus Conquest  Moses Spies.

April 9, 2020
There certainly some wacky YouTube Red Sea crossing theories out there.  I thought WWII German and Russian battle reports were creative but these are in a league of their own. 

April 8, 2020
This was bound to happen.  I released a Youtube video of the use of the Exodus map.  Link,

April 5, 2020
I accidentally merged the layers of my main map and overwrote the backup with a different map.  I had to redo the map to a degree.   I found that a desert road was used by Moses in his bypassing of Edon and Moab.  My Yougtube will have to be redone as well.  (Dang that day drinking.)
Mapcarta did respond to my inquiry of the quality of the springs shown on their map and they do not go by volume of flow in showing the water symbol.